The Last Piece and the Most Versatile

The last piece of equipment in this three part series of home exercise equipment is the most versatile.

Rubber tubing is a great tool for at home, traveling, or even when you go on a run. Tubing is economical, has endless applications, and is easy to transport and store, which solidifies its position at the top three home pieces of exercise equipment to own. For instance, tubing is used for stretching, strengthening and rehab from injuries.

Tubing comes in many different colors, styles, accessories, and is used for stretching, strengthening and rehab from injuries. Well alright, this sounds great, but how do you select the best type of tubing for you?

First, if you are using it to develop strength, the best bet is to purchase the tubing that has handles. What? That’s right, tubing can come with handles. You can also buy tubing in rolls or single tubing without handles, loop bands, aka giant rubber bands, and therapy bands. It all comes down to what the application is going to be.

Handels will supply a good way to hold on to the tubing while performing the exercises. Tubing comes in different colors that indicate their resistance level. Usually yellow is the least resistance, followed by blue, red, purple with black being the most resistant. If you have questions on what resistance to purchase or application, my advice is to check out the local gym, they will usually have tubing hanging around somewhere, so try it out and see what resistance is appropriate for you. A personal trainer, such as myself, can also ascertain what type and resistance would be right for you. Can’t find a gym or call my number at the moment? A good rule of thumb is to buy two lengths of tubing, one blue, and one red. These two intensities should supply the resistance you need for a great workout.

Some exercises with the tubing to illustrate its versatility:

Rubber Tubing
If you notice in the above illustration, the Physio Ball can also be used while exercising with the tubing adding the balance component. (I know you went out and got a Physio Ball right after reading the second blog on the best home exercise equipment to purchase. That was a smart move because now you can use your Physio Ball and tubing together.)

Like all equipment, the tubing is prone to wear and tear. Always check the tubing for stress lines. Stress lines indicate that the tubing is loosing its integrity and could break while using. See stress lines? Time to replace the tubing.

I hope you enjoyed my 3 part series of “Best Home Exercise Equipment to Purchase”. Below are the other two pieces as well as links to my reasons why they make it on the top 3 list.

  1. The Nordic Walking Poles
  2. The Physio Ball

As always, if you have any questions, are looking for additional help, or anything in between, shoot me an email or give me a call.

Thanks again,

– Chad

(802) 233-9035

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